Thursday, September 30, 2010

On A Warm And Blustery Day, My Rip On The Insurance Industry

After 12 years in our family's home, each year faithfully keeping up our home-owner insurance, we had the unfortunate occasion of having to use it.  The insurance company, which shall remain nameless because they are all the same, saw fit to give us a multi-policy discount because we also insured our automobiles through them.  Thus begins my story.  On a warm and blustery day a very strong wind blew the roof off of our house.  The roof tumbled like a Chinese acrobat across our front lawn slamming into our new car, at that point just 4 months old.  The car only slowed the progress of the tumbling structure as it clipped the front of my neighbor's car across the street until finally coming to rest in his front yard.  The next morning my telephone call to my insurance agent went kind of like this.

Me:  Yes, our roof blew off during the storm last night and hit our car.

Agents assistant(because agents sell they don't do the messy stuff):  Well sir your home owners deductible is $750 we'll have an adjuster come out to estimate the damages and write you a check ASAP.

Me:  What about my car?

Agent:  Your automobile deductible is $500.

Me:  Wait, my car was parked when my roof hit my car.

Agent:  Yes, your roof is covered by your homeowners policy and your car is covered under auto.  They are two different deductibles.

Me:  What about my neighbor's car?

Agent:  That is his problem, you're not responsible for his damages.

Me:  That doesn't seem right.

Agent:  That's just the way it is.

So here is the hard math.
Roof damage estimate $1600 actual cost $2400 .  Insurance payment $850. My out of pocket $1550.
Car Damage $1250.  Insurance payment $750.  My out of pocket $500.
12 years of homeowners insurance without a claim $5700
12 years of Car insurance without a claim $8100

Drum roll please  My cost $15850  Insurance company pay out $1600
And you have to know that both insurances went up the following year due to the claims.  Claims where i paid more than they did.  The vicious cycle of an industry that you are required to purchase from.  Use it and pay more, don't use it and pay more anyway because they need the money, it just ain't right!

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