Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tax Increases Equal Service Cuts I don't get it

Why is it that the first thing Taxing authorities cut is services to the people who pay taxes.  It seems to me to be counter-productive.  Who wants to buy a house and live in a community where taxes are constantly being raised and services are being cut?  About 10 years ago our county, which will remain nameless(because they're all the same), raised property taxes 70%.  This year they are proposing a 17% increase.  Yet every year since the 70% increase, services have been cut, reduced or downsized.  The government has not downsized, cut or reduced their payroll or staffing.  We have lost funding in Parks and Recreation, police, trash removal, human services, the Arts and economic development.  I long for the day when we get what we pay for.  I know i'm not blameless in this becuase I hired them when I voted, but why do I have to wait so long to fire them and hire someone who will do the job right? Taking away services while increasing taxes and fees, making new taxes when you're not allowed to raise them anymore or calling it a "fee" when in reality it is just another tax well, you know, It Just Ain't Right!

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